Saturday, August 11, 2007


First of all, I love our group! I never thought I would have this many close friends at 39. Thanks everyone for making this group so good.

Sorry about the flats on the first part of the ride, it sort of set the tone for later in the ride.

One of my favorite riders in the group threatened to shoot me in the butt with a shot gun if I mentioned him on this blog again, so I will call him Nameless. Man, is Nameless strong. Good lord, he crashed got up, fixed his bike and only got faster. Nameless is the toughest human being I have ever met bar none. Sorry Nameless.

Steve D. continues to impress, when Nameless wasn’t on the front he was. Favorite quote, “Man, I am a better rider with a tailwind.” Tammy and Kami rode very strong and they should do great at the Madison Ironman which is coming up soon. Cindy is doing it too and they all look like they are ready! I don’t know about Scott, he had to leave for work... just kidding, he looks great too!

It is great to have Mark C. back with us... I was getting uptight about the group not staying together and he said, “Let them go, it is just as lonely off the front as it is off the back, they will figure it out.” It was something like that. How true, that is really cool. Again it is great to have him back.

15 for the coffee ride, that is a topper for sure. There is more and more talk of an official bike club at Trailhead. That will be great. Thanks again to everyone for making this such a wonderful group!

One last thing... for a guy who works an 80 hour week, Mike B. is still strong!


Anonymous said...

"I was mountain biking."

Anonymous said...

right, one more thing, I hope Tom C's "mountain bike ride" went well.