Saturday, December 30, 2006

Heavy Ski, Nice Ride

Have been eating great today, but am going to Don Pablo's on a gift certificate soon. Oh oh!

I have heard people talk about skiing in "mashed potatoes," that is how it was today... a tough 15 miles!

The ride this afternoon was a delight! Out on the three speed with friends. Two hours of good riding at the end of the year. Very fun! I got on my friend's road bike at the end... WOW, this three speed stuff is going to pay off! I felt as springy as a spring chicken!

Friday, December 29, 2006


We did the Suffer-o-rama again last night and it is very good. Bernie, Tom, Bob and I started the day out early skiing at Elm Creek to beat the rush, it is the only snow in town. We skied for about 2.5 hours and it was fun. We did a short time trial and then recovered on the rest of the loop. Tom is a friend of ours that shows up for everything and is willing to try anything. I just met him this summer and am thrilled that he is a part of our group. It is awesome how many people in our group are game to try all this stuff!

We finished the day up at Trailhead Cycling and did a 2.5 hour spin session there. Bernie was there and Mary Beth, Pam and a guy from North Carolina. I couldn't understand a word he said. Nice guy but I can't speak North Carolina, I didn't know that. Mary Beth is impressive too! She started spinning with us this fall and comes almost every time. She says she can feel the difference and it is so great to have her enthusiasm there. I can definitely see her on a bike this spring!

We ended up at the bar with the owners of Trailhead and Jay showed up. Bernie explained our mission to them better than I ever could and they are ready to support us as a sponsor and that is VERY cool! I will have to get the details from Larry, Pam and Bernie later. I was talking to Jay about the holidays and family so I missed a lot of the conversation.

It is also very cool that they have invited us to spin at the shop. It is another way to keep our relationships growing throughout the winter. I cherish this group of friends so much and I believe that relationships are never neutral, they are either growing or declining and this helps to keep them growing! It is quite a gift that they are giving us, very very cool. Thanks Larry and Pam!

Oh and I ate well at the bar and my weight was down this morning!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Diet Control

Great spin at the shop last night. The stomach virus has gone through our house and I have not felt 100% for a week. We did a Spinnervals workout last night. "Suffer-o-Rama." it lived up to its name. The problem? We went for a beer afterwards and I ordered a pizza with it. OK with the beer, not so much with the pizza. I want to get rid of 10 pounds and that is not the way to do it! TIme to start eating right!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Prarie Roubaix

Wild ride yesterday and fulfillment of a dream of mine that I have had for some time. I am a pro cycling fan and love to watch old films of races over and over again. In fact, my wife will say, "oh, It is Phil again." Referring to Phil Ligget's voice that is on everyone of my tapes and DVDs. After watching these races enough I wanted to experience the mud and grit for myself. I did yesterday on my three speed mountain bike.

The electronic age has its good and bad points like everything else but one of the greatest points is having mailing lists where you can reach 100 people in one shot. I have finally found a group of people crazy enough to try just about anything on a bike. It also has provided a way for me to meet some of the neatest people that I would have never met or kept in contact with without e mail. The race that I cherished so much yesterday would have never happened! The potential of the electronic age is limitless on so many levels!

To check out coverage of this crazy event go to...