Sunday, January 21, 2007


We started at Elm Creek and skied for an hour yesterday and then we went down to Carver Park for another 2.5! Snow! We were actually on an 8 K loop! It was great. I went home and rode for 1.5 to get my total of 5. (Even if Andy doesn't believe it!) I think I might have an ear infection now. To be healthy!


B Train said...

What? (Ha!...couldn't resist)

Great training time man! How are you feeling today?

Anonymous said...

I feel all right! After March I am going to try to talk my wife into letting me go 5 and 5 onthe weekends to see how that feels. I might have to give something up during the week but I want to see how it feels putting big days back to back... that is a month away though.