Saturday, September 8, 2007

An Honest to Goodness Group Ride

We did it! We had a legitimate group ride today and it was great! The group stayed together for the entire 144 this morning. The group even waited for me when I dropped my mirror. Thanks for getting my glasses Erik!

At the beginning of the season Jay T. mentioned that the key to group rides is awareness. Today the entire group was totally aware of the group. The front rider was never 20 senconds ahead of the last rider. That is very cool. It makes for a very social and fun ride. Oh, and we had the same average we always do. HA!

We went to Dunn Brothers... together! WOW! Then I got talked into riding to Hopkins and I am so glad that I did... When I do the dishes my wife lets me ride longer. Just kidding. I love my wife for letting me play every Saturday morning. We played name that tune for the rest of the ride. I thought it was very funny. Mike got in to the act and it only got better. I think that we may have developed a new tradition. We were literally dancing on the pedals! Thank you all for a fantastic morning of riding!

1 comment:

Erik said...

Thank you as well. It was one of the best group rides I have been on in a long time. And you're right... It was the same average at the end!